Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Job Description

I am a…

Nose blowing,  Bible teaching, hug giving,

Spanglish-speaking, hand washing, playdough molding,

Book reading, naptime enforcing, tear wiping,

High-five giving, song singing, paper coloring,

Hair brushing, candy confiscating, color naming,

Culture bridging, peace making, children loving

Pre-Kinder teacher.



Sunday, October 28, 2012

A cup of joy!

Here in the eternal fall, there are little vices to help us cope with the cold and dreariness of rain (ironic that right now it is super sunny…. but we’ll just keep that between us). Our best vice is none other than hot chocolate!

Since arriving in Bogota, my definition of hot chocolate has drastically changed for the better. What I once thought was hot chocolate (hot water mixed with milk and chocolate power) is not longer acceptable! My world of hot beverages has been upscaled to now include the real ‘hot chocolate’. I give you permission to call me a beverage snob.

What makes this so different you ask? Well let me explain.

First you begin with chocolate and milk. Real chocolate. The kind that melts if you touch it too long. We buy the kind with cinnamon and cloves mixed in as well for extra yumminess! Oh, and milk- yes, it comes in a bag. And yes it stay at room temperature until you open it. No worries… that’s just how it is!


Next you take one stick of the chocolate per cup of milk and place them in the special pot. Now, is it really necessary to have the pot? YES! It just doesn’t work the same with out it.


Next heat the mixture stirring with the special whisk. Again- this is necessary. It’s like magic… mixes the milk and the chocolate in a way that makes a PERFECT cup. Don’t ask me why: it just does.

Lastly, once it starts to boil, remove from heat and pour into your cup. Drink. Enjoy!


Now, we at ECA know our hot chocolate. Every Friday for staff meeting we have chocolate. I think it’s the administrations way of bribing us to be in a good mood for an early meeting (7am). And surprise, surprise it really works!

So there you go- the wonder of Colombian hot chocolate! For those of you back in the OR be excited- we are bringing supplies back with us over Christmas in order to bribe you to hang out with us! Yes, we are that awesome!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


In the past week 2 major car accidents have happened to people I know. Both have been far away. Both have been tragic in one way or another.

One happened to a friend in Mali that resulted in the death of a little girl.

The other was a cousin in Japan that resulted in her being in a coma.

Both are tragic. Both are terrible. And both have caused me to cry out to the Lord on their behalf.

Here is where being part of a global church is hard. When someone is hurt in Asia, I know about it, and it burdens me. When a sister in Christ goes through trials in Europe, my heart breaks.

I would prefer to hide. To not know about things. To go on with my selfish life, oblivious to anything but me. But instead, here I am, crying out to the Lord on their behalf. It is good- but it hurts!

This week I have been teaching my students about “big” and “small”. Today I wanted to emphasize big and use it to describe God. I used a song I learned last year at BCA to help my point.


Our God is a great big God… and He holds us in his hands.

He is higher than a skyscraper, and deeper than a submarine.

He is wider than the universe and beyond my wildest dreams.

And He knows me and He loves me since before the world began.

How wonderful to be a part of God’s amazing plan.


Today when I was walking my students through the words, I was dumbstruck by the simplistic truth. God is bigger than anything here on earth. He is bigger than my pain. He is bigger than the problems of those around me. And more so He is bigger than anything I can imagine.

And in spite of God being so big, he knows ME and he loves ME. He isn’t burdened by all the cares of the world. He cares for me.

Selfish me should know that I would get a “God slap” on my pity party. I should be honored to lift up my burdens to the Lord. I should be honored to know people from everywhere and join with them in petition. I should be thinking less of myself and more of what God is going to do through this difficult circumstances.

Pray with me. Lift up these two sisters in Christ. Celebrate that our God is a great big God and HE ALONE knows what is going on. How wonderful it is to be a part of God’s amazing plan!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

*deep sigh*

Yesterday marks the end of the first quarter of school for Ed and I! Not only does this mean that grades are due and we have a lot of planning to accomplish, but that means we have reached the turning point from “being new” to “figuring things out”.

Blessings of the first quarter:

-Tears, giggle fits, a tantrum, and lots of hugs

-Introducing my students to English

-Successful sharing of the gospel message

-Growth in many of my students in English, friendships, and being away from home for the first time.

-Snacks and treats from my students

-Wonderful school community- especially among the teachers

-More hugs, cuddles, and giggles

One of my students is very eager to learn English. Any time he has a chance to speak he answers in English. Sometimes, however, he just doesn’t know the words and answers come out like “father house go walk purple God”. I am so proud of him for trying and am excited for him (and all my students) to continue to grow in this!

For fun, the past week of school was “spirit week” and all the students were encouraged to dress up in the daily theme. Thankfully this was only a small distraction to learning and well, my kids are just too cute!

Check out some pictures!





Movie Day: Madagascar
