Monday, December 26, 2011

An Answered Prayer

This Christmas has been a time of joy and celebration! I had the joy of celebrating my first Christmas with my husband in a country where we love serving. We spent most of the day with two other “young married” couples feasting, watching movies and playing games.

God has been good to us this past year. Upon returning to the States last June, I had spent time in prayer asking God to provide Ed and I with a community of peers in Bamako. Last year I had awesome room-mates and great friends, but most of them headed home over the summer. I was concerned that we would become isolated and asked God specifically to bring couple friends into our lives. God directly answered that prayer with two other married couples with whom we have become good friends. Over Christmas weekend we spent time camping (yes, in December), rock climbing and hanging out with this group! It was so apparent to me that God really does answer our prayers!

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Camping out the wilderness, then rock climbing!


The men made us pancakes for breakfast! (Ed is a cooking pro!)


Christmas dinner- Ham, Mac&Cheese, and even friend okra- thanks to the Southern folks :)

Friday, December 23, 2011

Advent Day 14


Acts 15:22-31

The early church communicated by letters- it was the best way to share life across the distance. Being overseas, I understand the importance of communicating with people far away. It is so important to know what is going on in the lives of people that I care about.

The activity in this devotion is to write a letter to someone. I knew right away who I would write. There is one family here in Bamako that need to know how much we appreciate them. They are always willing to help us out and go above and beyond. For example we are going camping today and they are lending us a truck, tent, camping gear and a few little "extras" just to be a blessing.

I am going to miss them since they are leaving furlough this coming week. It will be a strange 6 months not spending time with them or with their children at the school.

Ed and I both are very appreciative and want to make sure that they know how much of a blessing they are to us!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Advent Day 13- Messiah Choir

Psalm 150
Praise the Lord. Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens.
Praise him for his acts of power; praise him for his surpassing greatness.
Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet, praise him with the harp and lyre, praise him with timbrel and dancing, praise him with the strings and pipe, praise him with the clash of cymbals, praise him with resounding cymbals.
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.

Praise the Lord.
I had the privilege of attending the" Messiah" two times this Christmas season. Ed and many of my friends were in the English-speaking choir.  The first concert I was focused on taking pictures, and keeping track of my high school helpers as they wandered up the bell tower (tsk, tsk) so I didn't really absorb. The second concert, however, I was able to stop, to listen and reflect. There were moments where my focus was taken off the crowd, the choir and lifted to heaven. It was so fun to rejoice as an audience member and praise my God. Not only that, but the choir sounded pretty good!
What a wonderful time of year to celebrate Christ and praise his name!
Inside the Bamako Cathedral! Beautiful place for a concert!
Hauling in the crate for the men to stand on
Ed looks so serious
At the cultural Palace.
Our friend Rob was one of the two directors for the show
Everyone standing for the "Hallelujah Chorus"

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Advent day 12

So yes, I am a little behind....

Revelation 2:1-5, 1 John 3:1-3

True love

God is my first love. Ok, my my first understanding of love came from my parents- and that is completely legitimate- but God is the one who drives the love in them.

This Christmas season is one of extra love for me. I have been married less than 4 months and still get to relish the "honeymoon of marriage". In this time I have had to learn more and more about love. It's thinking of the other person before my own needs- and rejoicing in that. It's being patient and not doing it my way all the time- and seeing it as a good thing. It's spending time relaxing and enjoying one another- and not growing weary from it.

But God's love is so much more than human love. It's unconditional. Even when I am grumpy or hyper or stubborn and not so fun to be around. It's gentle and caring and always there if I look. God loved ME and sent HIS son. I dont have kids yet, but I can only imagine the overflowing love that comes from parents to children. As a teacher I have pleanty of students and when they get hurt or are mean to each other, my heart breaks just a little. Imagine how God must feel.

Oh- this season to stop, reflect and rejoice! And be loved!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Advent Day 11

Genesis 1, Isaiah 1:18, Psalm 51:1-10

I had to laugh that today I am to make a snow man. I mean- I live in Mali. People here wear winter parkas when it is below 70 degrees (I am not exaggerating). So, snow is a little distant from my reality.

That being said, I love snow. The cleanliness. The fresh air. The glimmer off the trees. It is beautiful. At least for the first day or two. The the dirt starts to get mixed in. The white is a little more brown. It’s just not enough.

God describes forgiving our sin as washing us white a snow. Not dirty snow- the white, crisp fluffy snow. I am so glad that no matter how wicked my heart was and how much sin I have to deal with, God is always able to bring my heart back to the “white” as snow.

And even though we dont have snow in Mali I was able to make a snowman with freezer frost.  Check out my super cute snowman!

Names of Jesus

For advent with my class I decided to focus on the names of Jesus- since that is what Christmas is all about. Each day I chose a name of Jesus and my students created an ornament to put on our Christmas tree in the classroom (got to love butcher paper). We are 12 days in and our tree is loaded! Check it out!

The fully decorated Christmas tree!

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Names of Jesus
Lion of Judah- Revelation 5:5
Vine- John 15:5
Bread of Life-John 6:33
Lamb of God- John 1:29
Rose of Sharon- Song of Solomon 2:1
King of Kings- Revelation 17:14
Alpha and Omega- Revelation 1:8
Rock- Matthew 16:18
Bright and Morning star- Revelation 22:16
Highest-Luke 1:76
Word- John 1:1
The Way- John 14:6
Gift- John 4:10
Man- John 19:5
Light- John 12:35

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Advent Day 10

Matthew 1:22-23, Isaiah 7:10-15, John 1:14

Today posed the question- How is God "for" us different than God "with" us?

At first the phrase "God for us" came to my mind as a cheerleader. As in supportive and encouraging. Rah rah.

But after realizing the contrast- it is more like a purpose. When I say to my students "do this for your friend" it is meant as a act of service to make you a better person. It is also the physical action more than the heart attitude. God for us is having a need and God filling that need.

When I compare that to God with us- it's a little strange. No longer is the God for us an obligation- rather an act of surrender. He could have given us himself through a powerful king or a mighty dictator- because honestly that is what we need sometimes. Instead- he took our form and lived our life here on this earth.

A few years ago I attended Urbana- a giant missions conference. They highlighted God being incarnate- in the flesh. He lived among the lowly. Identified with our pain. Struggled with our temptations. It was more than a gift from a far, rather his being here on earth is personal and intimate.

When taken in the context of missions that means living in a way that identifies who you are serving. Ed and I are serving missionary kids. We lived close to them. They come to our house. We go to their houses. We know their families and their personal lives. We can identify with them. We can serve them. We are "with" them.

Some people are harder to live with incarnationally. The poor are all around us, yet I live a more "posh" lifestyle. There are those who live with multiple generations and right now it is just Ed and I. We dont identify with them in many ways.

I am so blessed to serve a God who chose to live on my earth. I know he understands the craziness that surrounds me and I can trust that he is in control. Nothing is too out there for my God! What a great thing to remember and ponder as I anticipate the celebration of this transformation.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Advent Day 9

Bubble-Chocolate with Pink-Bed Head PJs OR  partydress

With yesterday not bringing much-today is packed. So find some delicious hot drink and a cozy spot to read and soak it all in!

Isaiah 9:6-7, Revelation 19:1-16, 1 Timothy 6:11-16

The passage is Isaiah is one of my favorites!

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David's throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this.

What a powerful text proclaiming the Messiah! Advent is the season of expectation- and this passage is a wonderful taste of what people were looking for. A mighty conqueror. The King of Kings! I laugh at the fact that none of this leads to the idea of a baby in a manger.

Our ideas are not God's. 

But just because He was a baby doesnt mean he didnt grow up. Look at each statement and think of how Jesus personified them.

Wonderful Couselor- Listens, patience, teaches, comforts

Mighty God- Powerful, withstood temptation

Everlasting Father- knew the big picture, coming again

Prince of Peace- Oh, my favorite. The only bringer of peace in this crazy world

As we look into the passage in Revelation- there is another coming declared. This is the one we are to be waiting for in expectation. Our Savior came to earth- but He's coming again.

This week in English Fellowship, we heard a service talking at the wedding feast (Matthew 22). It's an unusual passage to look at in this time of advent- but in some ways it's perfect.

The "Sarah" paraphrase version goes like this: A rich King was holding a feast for his son's wedding and he invited guests. Lots of them. Then as the time came closer- he followed up with his guests to have them come- and they all found some excuse. So instead of call it a flop- he had his servants go out and invite everyone they saw... and with those people He celebrated.

Now on Sunday we looked at several different characters- but today I want to ponder the guests that were invited, but didnt come. I relate to that. I have been invited to the party (the Jesus party if you want to call it) and I want to come. I have chosen to live the life of a missionary to teach children, and desire to glorify God in what I do. My outside actions and my heart have accepted the invite.

However, I dont live a life ready for the party. I get into routines, I forget to do things like read my Bible, and I get grumpy. I like to think of this laziness as spiritual "PJ's". The comfy clothes that you dont expect people to see you in. Sometimes they are necessary- but God wants and deserves our best "party clothes". Prioritizing time with Him. Serving His church. Serving those not yet in His church. Having an attitude of love.

This advent has reminded me that my relationship with God takes work. Being tired is not an excuse to not spend time with Him. Sometimes I have to leave the "PJ's" at home and pull out my party dress through my energy, my actions, and my interactions with others. It takes work and is not always comfortable but it does bring out the best for God.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Advent day 8

Matthew 25:31-46

This time I have less to say. The advent is thinking of "the least of these" and being intentional about reaching out this holiday season.

I wish I had some great motivation or ancedote- but really- it didnt come.

In fact, I am almost convicted that I am not convicted. I think this is one of the points I will have to let simmer just a little bit longer.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Advent Day 7

Exodus 25

God decorated his temple. Though detailed instructions laid out in this passage, God had his servants create beautiful decorations for the place where He would meet with them.

Holidays are fun because I love to decorate. Even here in Mali, I find the boxes of stuff past residents have left in my house and put them out. It's part of preparation. It's part of the fun.

If I look at the decorations I have- most do not have serious meaning. In Mali, most are fourth-hand and have the undertones of the 1980s. But to me the style is not what is important... its the beauty of anticipation and tradition. Even far from home, I get to "feel" and "see" Christmas.

In my classroom we are doing advent by creating a special ornament each day to represent the names of Jesus. Five days in, our "tree" (butcher paper) is covered and it is only going to keep on filling. I hope that my students get a taste of the miracle that is Jesus this Christmas season- by the symbolic reminders of who his is.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Advent Day 6

Act 20:35, 1 John 4:10

This is the time of giving and receiving. Shopping is in full swing. Gift lists are being compiled. Crafts are being created. Baked goods are in the oven. And that's just the beginning.

I have to be honest that I am so glad I am not in the USA right now. The pressure to spend money, find the perfect gift and be "overwhelmingly" busy doesnt exist in my Mali world. It could- I could choose it- but instead it's not. I have been learning over the past year how important down time is. I love to stop. Relax. Read. Do a craft. Space out. Bake. Anything that makes my life not busy. And this holiday time is no different.

Today the readings lead us to the concept of "giving". Do we spend more time giving or recieving?

This one is hard for me- because I am not very good at gifts. Some people have that amazing ability to find gifts and their joy is in giving it to others. I love those people. But I am not one of them.

Instead, I give by spending time with people. I love to host dinners for friends, or invite people over to watch a movie. When I am home in the States my time is filled with coffee dates, overnights and just spending time with people. That is how I give.

When I think of the ultimate gift- the "Jesus" gift- I realize that I take it for granted. It is hard for me to be in constant realization of what God did by sending his son. I am grateful for this time to year to stop and have it thrown in my face: Jesus is a gift. I have received it. Now I choose to live a worshipful lifestyle reflecting this gift. Wow. That's a big deal. I think I just have to sit on this for a while.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Advent Day 5

Even in Mali we can have a Christmas tree! And Lights!

Matthew 4:12-17, Isaiah 9:1-3, Matthew 5:14-16

Today is LIGHT! Jesus is the light of the world. We are to be lights. Lights, lights, lights.

Never before have I stopped to ponder why we use lights at Christmas. I mean the Christian theme is clear- Jesus coming into the dark world to bring salvation. But I have never pondered it.

Light is magical. Bright light allows us to see everything. Gentle light brings a relaxed, calming mood. Sparkling lights bring energy and excitement. It's amazing how much LIGHT affects our lives.

In Bible class this year we talked about the "I am's" of Jesus with one being light. We discussed how light illuminates, gives direction, expels darkness, and attracts (espeically mosquitos). Its so much part of our lives, yet I hardly stop to think about it.

We as followers of Jesus are to be light. We are to illuminate the truth. We are to give direction. We are to expel darkness. And our light attracts those to want to know Jesus more.

What a fun picture this time of year!

PS: I got all my Christmas decorations out yesterday. My house is a delightful lighted palace!