Sunday, December 18, 2011

Advent day 12

So yes, I am a little behind....

Revelation 2:1-5, 1 John 3:1-3

True love

God is my first love. Ok, my my first understanding of love came from my parents- and that is completely legitimate- but God is the one who drives the love in them.

This Christmas season is one of extra love for me. I have been married less than 4 months and still get to relish the "honeymoon of marriage". In this time I have had to learn more and more about love. It's thinking of the other person before my own needs- and rejoicing in that. It's being patient and not doing it my way all the time- and seeing it as a good thing. It's spending time relaxing and enjoying one another- and not growing weary from it.

But God's love is so much more than human love. It's unconditional. Even when I am grumpy or hyper or stubborn and not so fun to be around. It's gentle and caring and always there if I look. God loved ME and sent HIS son. I dont have kids yet, but I can only imagine the overflowing love that comes from parents to children. As a teacher I have pleanty of students and when they get hurt or are mean to each other, my heart breaks just a little. Imagine how God must feel.

Oh- this season to stop, reflect and rejoice! And be loved!

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