Sunday, March 20, 2011

A little remodeling!

A few weeks ago, my roomies and I decided that a fresh coat of paint in our living/dining room would be a wonderful thing. After a quick discussion we decided that we would paint 3 walls white and 1 brown. We called a few friends and headed to a local boutique to get supplies ie paint, brushes, and scrappers. Then we got to work!

Step 1: wash the walls


Step 2: scrape away the loose plaster… use anything you find: knives, pie cutter, or maybe a real scrapper



Step 3: paint!



Step 4: enjoy your freshly painted home- don’t forget to clean up! Nail polish remover is great for getting dried oil-based paint off a tile floor!




Special thanks to: David Wong; Mads, Ruth and Micah Baker, and Ed Trussell for you help!

- Sarah, Hilary, and Carolina!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Jesus the Miracle Worker

Usually when I think of Jesus and miracles, the big ones come to mind: Raising Lazarus from the dead, healing the blind man, turning water into wine, etc. However, a devotional I was reading yesterday stated:
“Sometimes "small miracles" can have tremendous impact…(such as) an unheralded change of heart. There is just such a miracle in the story of Peter recorded in Acts chapter nine. We are told that Peter, a Jew, was staying in the home of a Gentile man named Simon. And Simon was, by profession, a tanner! Tanners handled the hides of dead animals, and were considered unclean by Jewish rabbis. But God was beginning to change Peter's heart, and would soon show him that the Gospel was (and is!) for everyone - not just for good, law-abiding Jews. Peter's "sleep-over" at Simon's home might seem insignificant - but it was a micro-movement toward a larger goal: the opening of the door of salvation to the Gentiles.”
The change of heart is hard to witness and may not seem mighty- especially when it is gradual. But, it is through changed hearts that God works. Upon reading this I began to reflect on the little miracles I see in my life. Being a teacher of the same seven students for a year certainly gives me the vantage point to seek out transformation.
This has been a challenging year for my classroom- not just for me as a first year teacher- but for my students as they have had to learn to work, play and essentially live along side others that are different and challenging. However, as I reflect on the actions and conversations of my students, little changes have taken place. There is no longer frustration in some of their voices, they are willing to help other students that don’t understand the material, compassion- rather than annoyance- is displayed in their interactions. Little changes of heart are taking place and that is truly a miracle.
I realized also, that these little changes are not due to my action or ideas- rather it is God working through my students. I would love to say that it is because of my teaching, and my patience that hearts are changed- but that is not true in the least! I have to surrender these tyes of transformation to the only ONE who can change people- Jesus- and rest in the promise that He is working.