Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Learning and laughing along the way!

With the realization that 6 weeks have already passed in Bamako, I am overwhelmed, excited and happy to say that life is starting to feel normal. I also must look back and reflect on what God has been teaching me and allowed me to learn in this time.

First, is the power of focusing on the positive. In 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 " Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." God longs for us to overflow with His joy- not superficial happiness- but pure joy that only comes from Him. To receive this joy, my heart must be right before Him and my attitude must be that of humility and openness. Since arrive in Bamako, there have been joyful days and not so joyful days. Some days I am excited about teaching, other days there it is a sturggle to get up in the morning and go to school. Regardless of my feelings, I am called to BE JOYFUL. That means on the days when I am grumpy, I must reflect and make time to get right before my Father. I have taken up the habit of counting my blessings and regularly rejoicing on the positive!

Second, enjoy the moment. God has allowed me to live in a country where nothing is every done the simple way. Things such as eating, getting from place to place, and just making plans take so much more effort than in the States. This would frustrate most, but so far- it has allowed me to slow down, enjoy the event, and laugh my way through it.

For example: this past Wednesday was Mali's Independence Day. In the morning a group of us went to the parade- where I got incredibly sunburnt. That evening we decided to celebrate American style and barbecue hamburgers. The process started about 5pm yet Dinner was not served until 10pm. In the 5 hour span a combination of wits, muscles, and creative solutions involving: dental floss, oven racks, malian charcoal, gas burners, yeast, too many onions and straw hats. It was a great evening and a little too long of a story to post to completion. BUT enjoy the picture!

Third- Celebrate! The Bible is full of mentions of feast, holidays and celebrations used to focus on God. So many times I forget to stop and celebrate! Holidays become busy social calendars that I even forget what I am celebrating. Instead- God laid out times for me to remember Him, thank Him for who He is and join with others in the celebration. Malians know how to celebrate! To embrace the festivities, BCA had Mali day complete with a traditional lunch for the kids! Check out the giant bucket of rice and sauce! YUM!

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