Saturday, March 15, 2014

Friendship week

Back a few weeks, we focused on friendship in Pre-kinder as we learned about Jesus friends the disciples. We learned that friends shared, friends show love and friends serve each other. Here are some of the fun activities we did to celebrate!

Each student had an envelope that others could put cards and little gifts in. They spend a lot of free time making special cards for each other.


We learned that friends work together and make special friendship chains to put up in the classroom to remind us to work together.100_2884100_2885


Part of being a good friend is using nice words. Each student got a crown, but before they decorated their classmates shared things they liked about a student and wrote it on the crown. The kids were so happy to think of nice things to say and to get their special friendship crowns.100_2888100_2892100_2893

We learned that Jesus served his friends by washing their feet. We decided to practice by first toe painting (like finger painting) then washing each other’s feet.100_2896100_2897100_2899

1 comment:

  1. So cute... i missed doing things like when I was at the family international. And I love it so much. Thanks for sharing this. God Bless!
