Monday, March 14, 2016

Serve the Lord with all your heart!

One of the biggest joys of working at ECA is the focus on serving others starting from a young age. Once again, my PK class was able to go to the nursing home and serve the grandparents. This is one of my favorite events of the year because my students get to practice what they are learning.

We start the day by chopping lots and lots of fruit for a giant fruit salad.

Then we changed into traditional dress for the dance presentation. This year we decided to have students do the dance presentation from celebrate Colombia presentation, and students were excited to perform again.

We piled into vans and headed off to the neighboring town for our time of service.

We started off dancing, then sang a few songs in both English and Spanish.

Then students walked around, greeted the grandparents, colored pictures with them, and some did puzzles. We also handed out the snack of the fruit salad.

Every visit, God speaks to my heart through the loving service of my students.

While chopping fruit my students were saying "oh, make it small in case the grandparents don't have teeth" Or "Wow, mango, that's my favorite, I hope the grandparents like it too!"

On the ride there my students were excited and eager to arrive.

And the most amazing, the moment we walked into the nursing home my students were so loving! They greeted the grandparents without fear. While dancing and singing they were focused and joyful to share God's love through performance. And when it was time to serve the snack and talk with the grandparents, most were excited and eager to reach out.

I can't think of a more beautiful picture than seeing my students willing, able and joyfully serving others.

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