Sunday, December 1, 2013

Thanksgiving virtual day

Every year our school designates 2-3 days as “virtual day”. This means that a full day of school activities are done at home. Some of the activities are computer-based while others are not.

For pre-kinder I try to keep the activities fun and family-friendly. I usually post 3-4 different choices for the families to choose from for their activities. I also include one of our math resources which gives ideas of using math concepts at home. For example counting steps as your walk up a stair way or organizing plastic containers from smallest to biggest. This hopefully gives the parents ideas of how to have a math rich environment in the home.

This year for Thanksgiving I gave students a few options of Thanksgiving activities. One of them was to create a “turkey sandwich” using materials in the kitchen. They then send me a picture. Here are some that I have received.


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