Sunday, June 14, 2015

Ending well the 2014-2015 school year!

We have been on break for just over a week now, and we are both still processing this year and the work God is doing in and through us. This is a both a hard and joyful time for us. We have had to say many goodbyes to close friends, colleagues, and students. It is also a time to reflect on the wonderful growth we see in all students- academically, emotionally and spiritually.

This year PK  and middle school had a full last week of school.

Tuesday PK combined efforts with their second grade reading buddies and had a book party. There were 4 stations- each with a book to read together and an activity related to the book.
Station 1: If you give a mouse a cookie
Enjoying making cookies!!

Station 2: Piggy and Elephant books
Making new covers for the Piggy and Elephant books!

Station 3: The Very Caterpillar

Yummy fruit Kebabs after reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Yummy Fruit Kebabs!

Station 4 Free play outside!

 Wednesday PK and 7th/8th grade went to a theme park. For PK this was a special end of the year trip, while 7th and 8th graders joined a ministry partnered with the school to spend a day together enjoying the fun of the park. Ed  chaperoned the 7th and 8th graders while Sarah tried to keep up with the PKers.

Saturday we had our closing ceremonies where we presented character, academic and attendance awards. It is a fun way to celebrate the end of the year and recognize the hard work of students.

Here is a video I shared with the families. The last 30 seconds are the bloopers if you ever want to see the goofiness of my kiddos.

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