Sunday, February 19, 2012

Soccer Tournament

Part of being at a school means sporting events. Each year our school competes in a friendly tournament against a local Malian Christian school. This year we decided to host this on a Saturday to enable parents and family to attend. It was a blast!

Since this is the only competitive game most of our students participate in, they were so nervous!

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Before the game we spent time in prayer, then posed for team photos. Our team is blue and the other is yellow

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The first match was 3-6th graders. They lost 2-0, but played a great defense.

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The other school did not bring the youngest students, so our littles (K-2) played a game against themselves.

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The oldest students (7th-11th grade) had the most intense game, but lost 2-1.

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Regardless it was a fun (warm) morning showing school spirit and having fun!

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