Tuesday, April 10, 2012

20 days

It’s only been 20 days since it all began. That’s it. It feels like months.

Tomorrow we leave Paris and head to Kandern, Germany for a time of debriefing. This will be our last leg before we head back to the States.

I am anxious and excited. At this point I know very little of how the turmoil in Mali has affected me. I look forward to talking things through with veteran missionaries and seeking wisdom from their experiences.

I know I am grieving. From the goodbyes that didn’t get said to the lack of closure to the school year to the unexpected departure from what I knew as home. I know life will not ever go back to the way it was. And it’s hard.

I look forward to moving ahead and establishing a new “home”. It might be a while before I feel this way- and I guess that has to be okay. It’s hard though.

I know that God is watching out for me. Even in the little things. A day at the beach with the waves on my toes. Delicious ice cream in Dakar. Having our luggage “lost” on the way to Paris so that the airport delivered it to the hotel instead of us lugging it on the subway. Spending my 24th birthday roaming the streets of Paris with my husband. Blessings amongst the chaos.

Please continue to pray for us. There is a lot of transitions coming up and although we are excited, they can be stressful. God is good and watching out for us- pray we keep our minds and heart focused on him. Then I know we will be alright!

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1 comment:

  1. Sarah, Your parents sent me your blog. I am praying for you both. I am so sorry for your heartache, but rejoicing for those inhabiting your heart where there was an empty place before. I'll be watching with expectation Father's continuous plan for you. You are very dear to my heart. You inhabit one of those places that was once empty. Be strong and courageous! You are loved!
