Saturday, September 15, 2012

Being realistic

I’ll be honest, this transition to Bogota has been harder than I thought it would be. I have been so excited to settle down and unpack my bags that I forgot how hard moving to a new place really is.

I think the first surprise was changing from a small school to a big school. This was a change we intentionally made, but it hard. I went from a staff of 7- all of whom relied on each other for survival to a staff of over 40 teachers and 30 support staff. It is a welcome change, but one to get used to. I still don’t know everybody’s names or what they do. Plus with a staff that big sub-groups form and the process of finding a “niche” is necessary.

I was also surprised to find it hard to know how to get around and what to do in our extra time. We live in the north end of Bogota and the school is there also.  It takes time and navigational skills to venture out of our area- both of which we are slowly gaining- but not fast enough for my liking.

I think the most surprising was just how distracted I have been from my relationship with God. When in a new place “survival mode” kicks in, and I revert to my earthly instincts of trying to do it all myself. I forget that I am doing God’s work and need to let him in to work through me. I forget to prioritize the word and just bowing before him in prayer. It leaves me dry and frustrated.

Finally this week I have began to feel settled. I am starting to feel the routine of my days and have had a spark to re-ignite my relationship with God. I am making friends and finding fun ways to spend my free time. I just had to let myself adjust and slowly adapt to a new place.

Please continue to pray. Pray we continue to adjust. Pray we make genuine relationships with our community. And most of all pray that our relationships with God grows and thrives as our lives settle into this new ministry.

I will leave you with pictures of my students… aren’t they adorable!!!


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