Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Moment of joy #8.. why I do what I do


This week and next I get to spend some extra time with my students during elementary day camp. This is a time for them to have some extra practice in English and some structure during the vacation time.

This week our theme has been “pizza” and we’ve had a lot of fun making pizzas and talking about our favorite toppings. As part of our lesson today we asked the question “is there pizza in the Bible?”. One of my students answers was actually quite clever- “no- because they didn’t have pizza during those times”. Probably true.

I then asked my students if there was ever food in the Bible. They thought of communion and when Jesus multiplied bread and fish to feed large crowds. I then proceeded to share the story of God providing quail and manna in the desert. We then talked about how God provided for the needs of his people. I then posed the question: “How does God take care of our needs?” and here are my students responses:

Student 1- He gave us Jesus

Student 2- Jesus died on the cross

Student 3- Jesus washes away our sins

They get it!!! They understand that our need is to be close to God and we can’t do that on our own. They realize that Jesus is not only the answer but the provider of this salvation.

I was blown away!

I was expecting answers of God’s provision to be “God gives us food” “God gives us family” “God gives us a home”. Oh, those are all true- but there is so much more than our physical needs and BOY did my kids hit the nail on the head!

There are times when I struggle with teaching in a Christian school. I believe in the transformational power of the gospel. I believe that God longs for us to train His children to know him and love him. But sometimes I doubt that Christians schools really help students understand Christ.

Today I was proved wrong. All year we have been teaching the kids about who God is and His plan for the world. We looked at creation and the beautiful perfect world God created. We saw the fall of man with Adam and Eve. We rejoiced with the birth of the savior. We cried at his painful death for our sake. And we hope in his return. All year we have taught our students these truths. All year we prayed over them and waited on the Lord to work in their hearts. And today I saw these truths rooted in their lives- not by my words or teaching but because they know Jesus. They understand and they believe!


Here are some fun pizza activities from this week!

Pizza restaurant dramatic play!


Pizza puzzles100_3765

Drawing our favorite pizza and who we eat it with (apparently the dog is hungry too)100_3766

Taking my order100_3771

Making a yummy pizza!100_3772

Painting our paper mache pizzas100_3775

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