Wednesday, November 17, 2010

NOT for the weak in stomach

Honest warning: this is a little brutal for the easily grossed out!

Riding back from school, we saw this ram in the back of a TAXI- still alive
Tabaski is the celebration of Abraham and Ishmael's obedience to Allah's commands. According to Islam, Abraham was told to sacrifice Ishmael on the alter. Ishmael verbally agreed to allow his father to do this, because he knew that Allah had commanded. At the last minute, Allah spoke and intervened saying that the action of obedience was all that was necessary and Allah provided a Ram to sacrifice instead.

Poor Ram.. morning before the slaughter!
As a Christian I am very familiar with a different version of this story. Instead of Ishmael, Christian's believe it to be Isaac- the promised son- to have been offered as a sacrifice. A difference that shows not just the differences in the traditions of  Islam and Christianity, but the separate foundations of each.

On Tabaski -also called Eid Al-Adha outside of West Africa- each family purchases and slaughters a ram (or cow, or sheep, or goat) then cooks it for the evening meal.

YOU are going to DIE
The celebration starts the week prior with the purchase of the ram. All week in Bamako I have seen sheep EVERYWHERE- in taxis, buses, being walked down the road, etc. I have taken the culturally insensitive habit of yelling out in English "you are going to die" to the poor animal.

On the day of the celebration, it starts with a call to prayer and a service at the local mosque. People dress in their finest clothes and gather together where ever they find room. Women are separate from the men and have their heads covered. Everyone faces toward Mecca. Today as I walked by the mosque across the street from my house, there were too many people to fit inside the courtyard so prayer mats were set up outside and men were praying and listening to the Arabic.

Mosque across from my house and the morning prayer.

Afterwards, the blood bath begins. Everyone returns to their home and kills their animal. My room mate and I walked around just to observe the sights. Every house hold gathered in the street and began hacking away at the animal. Blood flying everywhere. Guts splayed out. The animals that we had seen alive an hour prior were now in bloody piece. I am amazed how every single Malian male knows how to kill a ram. They were hanging in trees, laid  out on the ground and being carried by men. Very little disturbs me, but I must be honest- my stomach started to feel a little quesy.

*Warning: these pictures are a little graphic*
YOU ARE DEAD (same cow only, after)

This family had 4 rams. 3 of them already have been slaughtered
The whole family is involved in the process.

Now it is time to celebrate! Families are gathering together- with a day off of work and school- to feast and be together. It is a good reminder of the importance of celebration and remembering Gods provision. Even though I believe in a different sacrifice- the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus, my neighbors around me do not. I must be sensitive to their hearts and as I continue to learn language, take the time to speak with them and understand them as I share the love of God that is in Christ Jesus!

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