Saturday, November 13, 2010

Favorite Classroom Moments- part 2

The last two weeks have been the hardest weeks as a teacher so far. What went from fun and games changed to a realization how much influence I have on these children and "what AM I doing?". There were some hard days. I struggled to see progress in my students and became frustrated when they misbehaved or acted out. However, there were many other moments of joy with funny comments they made or honest questions they asked. So here are some of the highlights!

1. In science I taught a lesson on ocean currents. Lacking a visual aid, I decided that drawing a world map and placing the arrows in the correct location would suffice. So as I am talking I begin to draw. Now, I have no real artistic skill, and drawing for me can be quite humorous... About halfway through my drawing of the world, one of my students raises their hand,

"Miss Silberstein, what are you drawing, because it looks like a  mermaid with a big butt".

I stop, step back, and look at my drawing. Sure enough, North and South America are indeed a mermaid with a HUGE butt. I laugh, allow the kids to get their giggles out, the proceed with the lesson. Never the less after lunch, I come back into my classroom and see all the details filled in... Oh, goodness!

The wonderful mermaid/Americas
2. Science lessons seem to be a favorite for great comments and conversation. This week we learned about the nervous system and how it transfers information about the senses. About halfway through the lesson, my Brazilian student raises her hand and through the help of her translator asks

"So, if nerves transfer feelings, then what about love- like between a man and a woman. I mean, how is that transferred through the body in the nerve cells?"

WOAH- wait, what.. you're 9! I am so surprised that I start laughing, but want to do the good teacher thing and actually attempt to answer her questions. So I fumble through a brief explanation that God gives us emotions and the ability to love and that doesnt really have to do with the five senses... or something like that.

3. Our social studies unit right now is on Asia, and so I decided to teach on Japan. As part of the lesson, I taught my students a few Japanese phrases (thanks to all my friends who took Japanese in high school, I learned a word or two). The day after, I walk back to my classroom after break and see all my students outside the door. I look at them as they bow and say "ka-nee-che-wah sensai" (or hello teacher). Made my day!

Anyway, focusing on the fun parts of teaching helps me enjoy class! Glad I can share some of these with you!

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